Our Services

Schedule a consultation with our experts to explore tailored solutions for your heavy machinery needs. Our team is ready to provide insights and expertise to enhance your operations.

Cylinder Heads

Complete inspection, repair, and rebuilding capabilities for most diesel and natural gas engines. Work includes cleaning and magnafluxing, pressure testing, replacing injector sleeves/cups, replacing/working valve seats, surfacing, complete valvetrain assembly, vacuum testing, and replacing cam bearings (for applicable heads). Additionally, any necessary repairs such as rethreading bolt holes, removing broken bolts, replacing expansion plugs, etc. are also performed.


Complete inspection and repair capabilities including cleaning and magnafluxing, checking alignment (and straightening when necessary), polishing, and grinding (when necessary)..


Complete inspection, repair, and rebuilding capabilities for most diesel and natural gas engines. Work includes cleaning and magnafluxing, pressuring testing (when applicable), line hone/boring, sleeving cylinders, replacing water grommets (Cat), surfacing, and replacing cam bearings (for applicable blocks). Additionally, any necessary repairs such as rethreading bolt holes, removing broken bolts, replacing expansion plugs, etc. are also performed.

Connecting Rods

Complete inspection and rework capabilities including cleaning and magnafluxing, checking alignment, honing, and replacing pin bushings.